FutureDotNow membership brings a wealth of benefits.
Through access to online resources and regular events, FutureDotNow can help your organisation:
- Upskill your workforce: We can help you understand, measure and ultimately, close the workforce digital skills gap in your organisation.
- Join national change programme: You’ll be invited to join a cross-sector delivery community that’s driving action on the essential digital skills gap across the UK workforce.
- Raise your profile: With priority access to flagships, you can be seen as an industry leader in a critical national agenda while connecting with industry peers.
Read the FutureDotNow membership information pack to find out more about our offer.
Ready to join? Complete this short membership form to start the process.
Membership benefits:
1. LEARN AND CONNECT Connect with peers and industry experts at live sessions, and view recordings of past events. |
2. MEASURE YOUR SKILLS GAP Gauge the skills of your workforce using FutureDotNow assets |
3. ACCESS EXCLUSIVE RESOURCES Unlock exclusive FutureDotNow reports, toolkits, videos and guides |
5. ATTEND FLAGSHIP EVENTS Priority places at our annual Workforce Digital Skills Summit and other events throughout the year |
6. FIND EXPERT GUIDANCE Tap into the FutureDotNow coalition for support and community connections |
1. REPRESENT YOUR SECTOR Show industry leadership by participating in panels and events |
2. JOIN A NATIONAL CHANGE PROGRAMME Collaborate with cross-sector organisations to deliver the plan to close the workforce digital skills gap |
3. USE EXPERT MESSAGING Use our tailored materials to champion digital skills and amplify your voice |
1. SHOWCASE YOUR IMPACT Spotlight your organisation’s successes via case studies, networking events, social media, and newsletters |
2. INCREASE YOUR VISIBILITY Feature your logo on FutureDotNow website and marketing materials |

Charity Number: 1197358