iDEA Foundation

Training provider


Free Service

What it does

The Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award, known as iDEA, is a programme helping people develop digital and enterprise skills and discover new talents through an approachable, award-winning EdTech platform that is free for learners everywhere. offers bite-sized, interactive modules on a range of topics that are created with industry experts and innovative employers.
iDEA rewards learners with a digital badge and points for every module that they complete. Learners can download, print, and share a portable Record of Achievement and when they have collected enough points and badges, they will unlock an industry-recognised Bronze or Silver Award. Gold is coming soon.

How it helps

iDEA is very flexible and easy to work with. You don’t need specialist IT skills or equipment to run sessions because the modules (badges) are all self-explanatory and can be completed on any device if it’s connected to the internet.

Organisations can track learner progress in one place through iDEA’s Organiser Management System. It’s intuitive and easy to use whether you are running the programme solo or as part of a team.

How to access

All courses can be accessed online.

Who to contact

Visit their website.