FutureDotNow is uniting business to tackle the gap in essential digital skills in the UK workforce.

By convening stakeholders from across business, government and civil society we can take action to equip working-age adults with the skills they need to thrive in work today and prepare for our digital future.

With the support of our partners, and through our members’ employees, customers, and supply chains we’re reaching millions, and can have an exponential impact on digital capability and confidence across UK industry.

Here’s how you can get involved.

1. FutureDotNow Membership

Commit to accelerating the digital skills of your people

2. 2024 delivery plan

Join 40+ cross-sector organisations working together to close the workforce digital skills gap

3. Become a strategic partner

Help to drive our strategy and support our impact

“One of the great things about FutureDotNow is that it’s business led, i.e., those that need the talent and need to fill the gap to run their business and be economically successful.

“We benefit from greater skills and capability in our workforce and being a magnet for talent. Playing our role within FutureDotNow is a good thing for us as businesses, but a better thing for wider society and the role of business in it.”

Kevin Ellis, former Chairman and Senior Partner, PwC UK

1. FutureDotNow membership

The FutureDotNow coalition brings together organisations that want to work together to accelerate the digital upskilling of their employees, customers and wider community.

We help members:

  • Understand and articulate the issue so they can make the case for action in their organisation
  • Learn from others so they can benefit from the work of those further along in their upskilling journey
  • Build a programme to improve the digital confidence and capability of their workforce

We ask members to:

  • Leverage the common language and framework of Essential Digital Skills
  • Assess the Essential Digital Skills of their workforce
  • Help their workforce to build the Essential Digital Skills for Work

 2. The 2024 delivery plan to close the workfroce digital skills gap

In July 2023, we launched the Digital Skills Roadmap. Developed in partnership with industry, government, and civil society, it made specific recommendations for the action required to close the workforce digital skills gap.

However, we were determined for this not to be another report with good intentions that sat on a shelf without leading to actual action.

That’s why worked with our partners to develop the 2024 delivery plan to close the workforce digital skills gap.

The delivery plan took the recommendations made in the roadmap to the next level of detail, across seven workstreams, setting out specific and measurable goals for 2024.

These workstreams are now live, with more than 40 cross-sector organisations working together to close the workforce digital skills gap.

If you’d like to get involved, please reach out at hello@futuredotnow.uk.

3. Become a FutureDotNow strategic partner

FutureDotNow is able to deliver on its mission of closing the workforce digital skills gap thanks to the support of a group of dedicated private, public and third sector organisations. They provide FutureDotNow with invaluable financial support, strategic advice, advocacy, pro-bono resources, and often roll up their sleeves and go over and above to help us get things over the line.

We are always open to new organisations joining our Strategic Partner community, to play a pivotal role in closing the workforce digital skills gap. The cost is £30,000 p/a, with equivalent in-kind support considered.

Our strategic partners:

  • Lead and shape the delivery of our programme of work as we tackle the recommendations of our Digital Skills Roadmap
  • Engage with government and policy makers to champion this agenda
  • Collaborate with industry leaders via our Senior Leaders Council and other working groups
  • Provide strategic direction and oversight to FutureDotNow as a charity 
  • Have priority access to all FutureDotNow events and resources