We help businesses understand the gap in workforce digital skills. We convene employers to build collective action. And we provide the tools to drive change.

Closing the UK workplace digital skills gap: The 2024 delivery plan

During 2024, more than 40 cross-sector partners are working together to deliver specific action to close the workforce digital skills gap.

Following the launch of the Digital Skills Roadmap in July 2023, FutureDotNow worked with partners in industry, government and civil society to develop the 2024 delivery plan to close the workforce digital skills gap.

Across three action areas and seven workstreams, the delivery plan sets out specific and measurable goals for 2024, to be delivered across three sprints of activity.


The FutureDotNow coalition brings together organisations committed to accelerating the digital capability and confidence of their employees, customers and wider community.

Find out more about the benefits of joining the FutureDotNow coalition.

Members toolkit

Our tools give coalition members access to the resources, evidence and provision they need to get started. They can help you understand where you are on your digital upskilling journey and identify digital skills providers to help your organisation improve digital capability.


We are building a self-sustaining community, where it’s easy for members to identify areas of common interest, connect, collaborate and share the solutions that make the biggest impact to digital confidence and capability.