The Culture action area of the 2024 delivery plan will work to understand the cultural factors and motivational drivers for improving the digital skills of individuals and the workforce as a whole.

In the earliest stage of the the 2024 delivery plan, it was agreed that refining this expansive subject into very tangible outputs would require further insight from subject matter experts. To allow for this, Sprint 1 of Culture has been a ‘scoping’ phase.

If you’d like to get involved in the next stage of the Cutlure workstream, contact

The scoping element of this workstream is led by:

Holly Chate
Chief Operating Officer

Aurelie Marais Machurat

Culture workstream:

7. Motives and culture project scoping


Our ambition for 2024

  • Scoping into the culture change required to address the digital skills gap, with insights gathered into what motivates people to upskill (workstream fully mobilised mid-year).

Sprint 1 achievements

Early scoping

  • Early steer from Behavioural Insights Team recommended a focus on changing behaviours first to drive long-term culture change.
  • Likely to require new primary research to develop evidence-based guidance for employers on how to build motives amongst employees to drive behaviour change.

Sprint 2 achievements (Jun-Jul)

Team mobilisation

  • Aurelie Marais Machurat of Bouygues UK joins workstream as co-lead alongside Holly Chate from FutureDotNow.
  • Small, focused workstream team confirmed for Sprint 3. 
  • Emerging plan to focus on gathering evidence of existing approaches to building digital motives, and the impacts organisations have seen. 

Sprint 3 achievements (Sep-Nov)

Evidence gathering

  • Survey developed to gather evidence on individuals’ confidence, motives and barriers when building digital skills. 
  • Trialling survey with small group in December 
  • Wider survey launch planned for the New Year. 
  • Emerging plan for 2025 developed, including focus groups sessions with harder to reach populations, and key communities 
  • Potential funding route identified to develop evidence-based guidance for employers answering the question: “How do we engage and motivate people to build their digital skills and what is the role of employers to turbo charge this?”
  • Initial conversations held with Behavioural Insights Team, as potential partner once funding secured.

Workstream led by:

Workstream supported by:

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