Annual event: Collective action for a digital world

This November we held an exclusive virtual annual event: Collective action for a digital world.

The last 18 months has seen a seismic shift in how millions of people engage with digital technology. The pandemic has motivated people and businesses to invest time and resources in digital upskilling like nothing that’s come before.

FutureDotNow has also had a transformative year, growing the coalition by more than 50% and reframing the conversation about essential digital skills in the workplace through our Hidden Middle Report.

However, even with the growth in digital skills brought on by the pandemic, millions of adults in the UK are still without the skills they need for work. And that will continue to hold them, business and the UK back.

In the event we were joined by the FutureDotNow Board and leaders from across our coalition as we considered the progress of the last year and focussed on the challenges and opportunities ahead.

We reflected on new data and insights into the UK’s digital capabilities and how that is informing our actions as a coalition, and discussed opportunities for members to collaborate with others over the coming year to deliver even more impact.

Together, we can make 2022 a year of action and ensure everyone has the essential digital skills they need to thrive in life and work.

Our Speakers

Sir Peter Estlin, FutureDotNow

Liz Williams MBE, FutureDotNow

Jemma Waters, Lloyds Banking Group

Vivek Ganotra, Salesforce

Holly Chate, FutureDotNow