Fundamental to our mission is giving our members the opportunity to learn from the incredible work already underway.
Here coalition members tell us about the progress they’re making in improving the digital capability and confidence of their workforce and communities, and what they’re learning along the way.

Dorset’s Workplace Digital Champions
Dorset County Council originally established its Digital Workplace Champions in 2017. At a time before MS Teams and virtual meet ups were in place, the champions would meet monthly and focus on how to start utilising new Microsoft tools.The challenge In April 2019,...

Greater Manchester Combined Authority
In July 2022 Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA), in partnership with FutureDotNow, hosted a senior leader’s roundtable to focus on the ‘hidden middle’ – the c. 23.4 million people in the UK who are online but lack the Essential Digital Skills (EDS) for work...

Growth for Good: Made Smarter
The Growth Company in Greater Manchester delivers the Made Smarter programme to SMEs in the North West of England. The team recognised that culture and leadership were often the biggest barriers to digital change. Their Leadership programme, Leading Digital...

Dorset Council: Digital Skills and Adoption
Since June 2021, Dorset Council has trained 903 staff and volunteers in total to be embedded digital champions. In the survey at the end of the training programme, 75% of those who answered the question said they feel more confident in supporting their clients. In...

Dorset’s Embedded Digital Champions
The team at Dorset Council tell us about their Embedded Digital Champions programme, which saw them train more than 900 frontline staff and volunteers, so they could better help local residents use digital to support their wellbeing.The challenge Challenges such as...

Samit’s story, Heathrow Airport
Samit had been working as a security officer at Heathrow Airport for 14 years when a new workplace initiative gave him the opportunity to embrace digital, grow his skills and supercharge his career.

Travis Perkins: improving the digital capability of colleagues, customers and the construction sector at large.
Whilst the construction sector overall is struggling to embrace digital transformation, Travis Perkins is leading the way in trying to change this.

DWP: Transforming the digital confidence of thousands of employees
When the Covid-19 pandemic saw an unprecedented uptick in benefit claims, the Department for Work and Pensions was faced with a huge challenge – ensuring the digital capability and confidence of a huge and growing workforce.

Spotlight: Lloyds Bank Academy & Multiverse
Lloyds Bank Academy partnered with a tech-start up Multiverse to help their apprentices discover tools and develop the digital skills they need to thrive both in and outside of the workplace. Here they tell us more about results of their partnership.1. What we were...

Spotlight: Technoid Education & Travis Perkins
Construction retailer Travers Perkins worked with Technoid Education on developing their digital skills strategy. Here you can read more about 5 step process that helped Travis Perkins start their journey.Working out how to start the digital upskilling journey The...